Matthew 24:10&12

Today I would like to share with you Matthew 24:10&12, “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” These 2 verses are more rampant today than ever. People are being offended over everything; people are growing cold and do not care. But, the Lord loves us, He teaches us to love and The Lord teaches us to forgive and to live for Him. Lawlessness may be everywhere; 10,000 at our right hand and 10,000 at our left, but the Lord is our Strength and our Shield. To you oh Lord our spirit will yield. May Your church and Your people be a light in the darkness, a way that points to You, oh Lord, that You are our great Hope. You, oh Lord, are our One Desire and we long to worship You.

By Levi Moran

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