Luke 18:1

Today I would like to share with you Luke 18:1, “Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.” What really stood out to me was Jesus teaching the men to pray and not lose heart. No matter if it is a time of trouble or a time of joy, we need to be in prayer. Even more so when the times of trouble seem to be upon us. It is by prayer we will not lose heart. When we spend time in prayer we stay close to the Lord and we will know what the Holy Spirit has to tell us about the season we are in and how to be ready. It is through prayer you will know how to make good life changing decisions, how to protect yourself and your family, and how to walk in the joy of the Lord. My challenge to you today is take everything that is bothering you to the Lord, all the uncertainty, all the pain, and all the confusion and the Lord will calm the storm in your mind, help you understand, and place joy in your heart.

By Levi Moran

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